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12.06.2014 | Nacelle Mounted Lidars - Get the maximum from your turbines!

Wind Iris - Avent Lidar Technology

Wind is variable. Even the most accurate anemometric campaign supplies data that can change in the future influencing the actual productivity of your wind turbines in a negative way.

WIND IRIS Turbine-Mounted Lidars (NML) are manufactured by Avent Lidar Technology, joint investment of Renewable NRG Systems and Leosphere: : remote sensors to be installed on the top of wind turbines' nacelles, that supply real time measurements of the horizontal wind speed and direction, and generate accurate data to optimize wind turbine performance. 

With an easy and safe installation in ½ a day, you’ll rapidly optimize several wind turbines with one unit by detecting and correcting under-performances. This ensures a quick return on investment on a wind farm scale.

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